Medical research

Mouse studies find sugar-free energy drinks just as harmful

Two Curtin research studies have found the excessive consumption of energy drinks, even sugar-free varieties, can cause significant damage to brain cells and increase the risks of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

Medical research

Gut microbes signal to the brain when they are full

Don't have room for dessert? The bacteria in your gut may be telling you something. Twenty minutes after a meal, gut microbes produce proteins that can suppress food intake in animals, reports a study published November 24 ...


Researchers determine how much oxygen the brain needs

The brain has a high energy demand and reacts very sensitively to oxygen deficiency. LMU neurobiologists have now succeeded for the first time in directly correlating oxygen consumption with the activity of certain nerve ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How physical exercise prevents dementia

Numerous studies have shown that physical exercise seems beneficial in the prevention of cognitive impairment and dementia in old age. Now researchers at Goethe University Frankfurt have explored in one of the first studies ...

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