Oncology & Cancer

Breast cancer diagnosis by AI now as good as human experts

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK. It accounts for 15% of all new cases in the country, and about one in eight women will be diagnosed with it during their lifetime. In the NHS, breast cancer screening routinely ...

Oncology & Cancer

Personalized cancer screening with AI

While mammograms are currently the gold standard in breast cancer screening, swirls of controversy exist: advocates argue for the ability to save lives, (women aged 60 to 69 had a 33 percent lower risk of dying compared to ...

Oncology & Cancer

High rate of false-positives with annual mammogram

During a decade of receiving mammograms, more than half of cancer-free women will be among those summoned back for more testing because of false-positive results, and about one in 12 will be referred for a biopsy.

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