
New molecule could help improve heart attack recovery

Reparative medicine scientists at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute discovered a new compound that could shield heart tissue before a heart attack, as well as preserve healthy cells when administered after a heart ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Bystander effect' and sexual assault: What the research says

Sexual assault, pushed into public conversation by the #MeToo movement, once again dominates the U.S. news cycle. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh faces allegations that he sexual assaulted professor Christine Blasey ...


The 'bystander effect' in crime also applies to medicine

(Medical Xpress)—The "bystander effect," which refers to people standing by and doing nothing while an emergency situation takes place, can also apply to medical care, according to two Yale doctors. Their "Perspectives" ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Anxiety motivates bystanders to intervene in bullying

Many school pupils are in daily contact with bullying—as victims, bullies or witnesses. We know that the reactions of people around them are very significant, but what determines whether or not other pupils come to the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Children less likely to come to the rescue when others are available

Children as young as 5 years old are less likely to help a person in need when other children are present and available to help, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Individual donation amounts drop when givers are in groups

In December of last year the New York Post published images of a man about to be killed by a train while several bystanders did little to help him. Numerous studies have provided evidence that people are less likely to help ...

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