
Why kids should avoid a caffeine buzz

If you think you're seeing more kids chugging energy drinks and sipping Starbucks than ever before, you're probably right.


Crave coffee too much? Talk therapy may help

(HealthDay)—A short round of "talk-therapy" seems to help over-consumers of caffeine dramatically cut back their intake, a small new study suggests.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Coffee and tea during pregnancy affect fetal growth

Drinking just two cups of coffee a day is associated with the risk of low birth weight. Researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have conducted a study on 59,000 women in collaboration with the ...


Did extreme cola habit cause woman's irregular heartbeat?

(HealthDay)—Excessive soda consumption appeared to be the culprit in the case of a 31-year-old woman suffering from fainting spells and an irregular heartbeat after she spent more than half her life drinking only colas ...

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