Oncology & Cancer

Novel bioassay predicts cancer patients' response to immunotherapy

A team of researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) has developed a groundbreaking bio-sensing technology that predicts the response of cancer patients to anti-PD1, an immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy, ...

Oncology & Cancer

French Polynesia nuke tests slightly increased cancer risk: Study

Polynesians exposed to fallout from France's nuclear tests in the South Pacific have a slightly increased risk of developing thyroid cancer, a study suggested on Monday that used declassified military data for the first time.

Medical research

New approach to slowing aggressive leukemia

A team of Harvard and Sloan Kettering scientists has developed compounds that can target and degrade proteins associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and nearly doubled the life expectancy of mice with cancer in laboratory ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Finger-prick test developed for trichomoniasis

A quick, affordable diagnostic test developed by a Washington State University researcher may help curb one of the most prevalent but least discussed sexually transmitted infections.

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