Psychology & Psychiatry

Why your social media habit is probably not an addiction

Social media apps are useful sources of information. They help us catch up with the activities of friends, news, current affairs, government COVID updates and the latest happenings in celebrity and sport.

Medical research

Study finds cosmetic products contain endocrine disruptors

Researchers from the University of Granada and the San Cecilio de Granada Teaching Hospital confirm that endocrine disruptors—chemical substances that may mimic or block the action of hormones—are present in some cosmetic ...

Medical research

Endocrine disruptors threatens semen quality

A growing number of studies show that the environmental factors and lifestyle habits of pregnant women play an important role in the health of their child. But how about the semen quality of young men? Researchers at the ...

Medical research

Compounds from apples may boost brain function

Natural compounds found in apples and other fruits may help stimulate the production of new brain cells, which may have implications for learning and memory, according to a new study in mice published in Stem Cell Reports.

Medical research

Toward new alternatives to animal testing

A novel alternative approach that can identify chemicals which affect male reproductive health without the use of animal tests has been developed in a research project led by the Technical University of Denmark.

Medical research

Worms reveal why melatonin promotes sleep

Melatonin is used as a dietary supplement to promote sleep and get over jet lag, but nobody really understands how it works in the brain. Now, researchers at UConn Health show that melatonin helps worms sleep, too, and they ...


More chemicals can be assessed for endocrine disrupting effects

A European guidance document aimed at identifying endocrine disrupting pesticides can—with some modifications—be used to assess other chemicals' endocrine disrupting effects. This is the finding of a new study conducted ...

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