Psychology & Psychiatry

Unreported past child maltreatment may contaminate research results

Researchers may unknowingly be overlooking a critical factor that could aid in more consistent results in studies involving child abuse. Penn State Network on Child Protection and Well-Being faculty member Chad Shenk is opening ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Violent words, not just deeds, leave a lasting mark on our kids

She showed me the cigarette burns on her arms. Her eyes seemed empty as she slumped in the chair, answering questions with defeated shrugs. Finally she explained that her stepfather had held her down and burnt her arm many ...


Big tobacco snubs health warning law in Indonesia (Update)

Tobacco companies have largely snubbed an Indonesian law requiring them to put graphic health warnings on all cigarette packs, another setback for anti-smoking efforts in a country that's home to the world's highest rate ...


Medical marijuana extract for epilepsy in children

Last month, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett gave his support for preliminary research into whether medical marijuana could alleviate symptoms of certain serious health problems, including severe seizure disorders in children.


Between accident and real harm in child injuries

Child abuse is a leading cause of fatality in children 0-4 years of age. Roughly 1,500 children are fatally injured each year in association with child abuse and 150,000 are permanently disabled. Many serious injuries and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Spanking babies is surprisingly common

The same hands that parents use to lovingly feed, clothe and bathe their babies are also commonly used to spank their bundles of joy.

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