Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Chances to treat childhood dementia

Although dementia is most often seen in adults, childhood or adolescent dementia does occur. A team of researchers from the University of Würzburg believes that established therapeutic drugs might be effective against childhood ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer in childhood can have negative impact on career readiness

(Medical Xpress) -- Young adult survivors of childhood cancer often have problems maintaining jobs and relationships, researchers have found. A new study of childhood brain tumor survivors by disability researcher David Strauser, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Chronic aggressive behavior in boys: Epigenetic sources?

Chronic aggressive behaviour exhibited by some boys from disadvantaged families may be due to epigenetic changes during pregnancy and early childhood. This is highlighted by two studies conducted by a team led by Richard ...

Overweight & Obesity

Brain alterations detected in obese children

Obesity is generally linked to poor eating habits and the availability of tasty, high-calorie foods. However, a new study led by researchers from the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research Unit in the Department of Radiology ...

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