
Significant others can influence extreme dieting

Women who are frequently encouraged by their significant others to lose weight are more likely to resort to unhealthy measures to do so, according to new research in the American Journal of Health Promotion.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Hold the extra burgers and fries when people pleasers arrive

If you are a people-pleaser who strives to keep your social relationships smooth and comfortable, you might find yourself overeating in certain social situations like Super Bowl watch parties. A new study from Case Western ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Float therapy' for anorexia nervosa shows promise

A trailblazing study conducted by researchers at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR) in Tulsa, Okla., has made significant strides with a novel technique for treating anorexia nervosa (AN), an eating disorder ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Overparenting' trend worries psychologists

(Medical Xpress)—School psychologists and counsellors are concerned that overbearing parents are raising children unable to cope with failure and life outside of home, a new QUT study shows.


Binge drinkers beware, drunkorexia is calling

Mojito, appletini or a simple glass of fizz—they may take the edge off a busy day, but if you find yourself bingeing on more than a few, you could be putting your physical and mental health at risk according new research ...

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