Oncology & Cancer

'Scoring system' may spot those in greatest need of colonoscopy

(HealthDay)— Colonoscopy can save lives, but experts agree that testing rates remain too low. Now, researchers say a special scoring system might point to those people at highest risk for colon cancer, who may need the ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancers caught during screening colonoscopy are more survivable

Patients whose colorectal cancer (CRC) is detected during a screening colonoscopy are likely to survive longer than those who wait until they have symptoms before having the test, according to a study in the July issue of ...

Oncology & Cancer

Capsule colonoscopy deemed 'adequate' alternative

(HealthDay)—In an average-risk screening population, capsule colonoscopy seems adequate for patients who cannot undergo colonoscopy or who had incomplete colonoscopies, although additional research is needed to improve ...

Oncology & Cancer

Regular colonoscopy can prevent bowel cancer

Bowel cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. The prognosis depends greatly on the stage at which the tumour is discovered. Colonoscopy is regarded as the best method for identifying pre-cancerous changes. If these ...

Oncology & Cancer

Physicians say high-definition scopes accurately assess polyps

It may not be necessary for experienced gastroenterologists to send polyps they remove from a patient's colon to a pathologist for examination, according to a large study conducted by physician researchers at the Jacksonville ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Major complications after abortion are extremely rare, study shows

In the most comprehensive look yet at the safety of abortion, researchers at UC San Francisco have concluded that major complications are rare, occurring less than a quarter of a percent of the time, about the same frequency ...

Oncology & Cancer

Support for fecal testing in familial colorectal cancer screening

Fecal immunochemical tests (FIT) may be as effective as colonoscopies when it comes to detecting colorectal cancer among first-degree relatives of patients with colorectal cancer, according to a new study in Gastroenterology, ...

Oncology & Cancer

New home test shakes up colon cancer screening

Starting Monday, millions of people who have avoided colon cancer screenings can get a new home test that's noninvasive and doesn't require the icky preparation most other methods do.

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