Psychology & Psychiatry

Less is more: Exposure to stimuli for overcoming phobia

A team of investigators, led by Bradley S. Peterson, MD, director of the Institute for the Developing Mind at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, and Paul Siegel, PhD, associate professor of psychology at Purchase College of ...


Why, sometimes, we don't see what we actually saw

Georgetown University neuroscientists say they have identified how people can have a "crash in visual processing"—a bottleneck of feedforward and feedback signals that can cause us not to be consciously aware of stimuli ...


When the brain remembers but the patient doesn't

Brain damage can cause significant changes in behaviour, such as loss of cognitive skills, but also reveals much about how the nervous system deals with consciousness. New findings reported in the July 2011 issue of Elsevier's ...


How music prevents heart transplant rejection

Music has a fundamental affect on humans. It can reduce stress, enhance relaxation, provide a distraction from pain, and improve the results of clinical therapy. New research published in BioMed Central's open access journal ...

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