Obstetrics & gynaecology

Researchers find flooding stress impacts unborn children

NDSU researchers have discovered differences in child development based on how close mothers are to flooding during their pregnancies. The new study found that being pregnant near flooding has an impact on child development ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Compassion training for parents may reduce their children's stress

A new study from researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison shows that the young children of parents who take part in a compassion-based training program develop lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol over ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Chronic adversity dampens dopamine production

People exposed to a lifetime of psychosocial adversity may have an impaired ability to produce the dopamine levels needed for coping with acutely stressful situations.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to deal with smartphone stress

In the past decade, smartphones have gone from being a status item to an indispensable part of our everyday lives. And we spend a lot of time on them, around four hours a day on average.

Psychology & Psychiatry

No evidence that power posing works: study

Striking a power pose before an important meeting or interview is not going to boost your confidence or make you feel more powerful, says an Iowa State University researcher.


Animal-assisted therapy aids in spinal cord injury recovery

Every year, approximately 17,000 new cases of spinal cord injury are reported in the United States. Recovering from an SCI can take a huge mental, emotional and physical toll on patients, but animal-assisted therapy may play ...

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