Psychology & Psychiatry

Use rewards effectively to boost creativity, study suggests

To boost employees' creativity, managers should consider offering a set of rewards for them to choose from, according to a new study by management experts at Rice, Tulane University, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Air quality impacts early brain development

Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have found a link between traffic-related air pollution and an increased risk for changes in brain development relevant to neurodevelopmental disorders. Their study, based ...


Creative insight triggers a neural reward signal

Creativity is one of humanity's most distinctive abilities and enduring mysteries. Innovative ideas and solutions have enabled our species to survive existential threats and thrive. Yet, creativity cannot be necessary for ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why your best idea may be your second favorite

Michelangelo reportedly said the job of every sculptor is to discover the statue inside the stone, then work around it. Liberate the form.

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