Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness may help more if no antidepressants are used

An investigation published in the current issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics indicates that mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is most helpful when antidepressant drugs are not used.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can massage relieve symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress?

Stress is an inevitable part of life. It is nearly impossible to remove all stress from day-to-day life. Stress is physiological and psychological responses to situations the body and mind find to be overwhelming.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness reduces anxiety and depression in cancer patients

When being diagnosed with cancer, people will naturally worry about their future, their family and about dying. Actually, no less than 35-40% of cancer patients suffer from significant anxiety and depression symptoms. An ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Blood test spots adult depression

(HealthDay)—A new blood test is the first objective scientific way to diagnose major depression in adults, a new study claims.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Surgical anesthetic appears to treat drug-resistant depression

Although electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has long been considered the most effective treatment of medication-resistant or refractory depression, millions of people who might benefit don't take advantage of it because of the ...

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