
Sex-specific guidelines are needed to accurately treat women

Academic researchers are calling for new healthcare guidelines for treating obesity, hypertension and diabetes in women. Currently, there are no sex-specific guidelines for treating or preventing these health conditions, ...


Artificial intelligence may improve diabetes diagnosis

Using a fully-automated artificial intelligence (AI) deep learning model, researchers were able to identify early signs of type 2 diabetes on abdominal CT scans, according to a new study published in the journal Radiology.


The ticking time-bomb of diabetes

University of Adelaide researchers have warned that too many people are either unknowingly living with diabetes, at significant risk of developing the life-threatening condition, or simply ignoring the obvious warning signs—and ...


Disparities in diabetic eye care

Because diabetes is the leading cause of new, preventable cases of blindness in working aged adults in the United States, medical experts suggest patients have dilated eye examinations after their first diabetes diagnosis. ...

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