Overweight & Obesity

Odds for an eating disorder may vary by income

(HealthDay)—Young Americans from low-income homes are more likely than those whose families are better off to be unhappy with the way they look and to have an eating disorder, a new study finds.

Psychology & Psychiatry

COVID-19 anxiety linked to body image issues

A new study has found that anxiety and stress directly linked to COVID-19 could be causing a number of body image issues amongst women and men.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Editing selfies is counter productive: study

Girls and young women shouldn't spend a lot of time editing selfies for social media because it negatively influences their thoughts about their looks, according to a new Flinders University publication.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Women deflated by #Fitspiration images

Researchers have found that the #Fitspiration philosophy is flawed, making many women feel worse about themselves and their bodies rather than inspiring them to exercise.

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