
Video games improve the visual attention of expert players

Action real-time strategy video games such as World of Warcraft, Age of Empires, and Total War are played by millions. These games, which can be won through strategic planning, selective attention, sensorimotor skills, and ...

Medical research

Another way to detect lymphedema

Bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) is a noninvasive technology that measures the amount of fluid in a limb. It works by sending low level electrical current through the arm or leg and measuring the resistance to current (impedance).

Medical research

Easy at-home assessment of sleep bruxism

Sleep bruxism, commonly known as clenching or grinding of the teeth during sleep, affects approximately eight to 15 percent of the population. It can lead to various negative health consequences like tooth wear, facial pain ...

Medical research

Optic nerve stimulation to aid the blind

Scientists from EPFL in Switzerland and Scuola Superiore Sant"Anna in Italy are developing technology for the blind that bypasses the eyeball entirely and sends messages to the brain. They do this by stimulating the optic ...

Medical research

Could prosthetic limbs one day be controlled by human thought?

For almost two decades, Stanford electrical engineering professor Krishna Shenoy and neuroscientists in his Neural Prosthetics Translational Laboratory have been working on implantable brain sensors that allow them to record ...

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