Psychology & Psychiatry

Time to take laughter seriously

While people the world over enjoy a good laugh, remarkably little is known about this instinctive behaviour.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Aggression in kids is related to how they read others' emotions

It may be surprising to hear that toddlers and preschoolers are the most physically aggressive age demographic. Luckily, they lack coordination and strength, making their attacks less dangerous than those of adults.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why are we so scared of clowns? Here's what we've discovered

Are you scared of clowns? You are not alone. Coulrophobia, or the fear of clowns, is a widely acknowledged phenomenon. Studies indicate this fear is present among both adults and children in many different cultures. Yet it ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Using deep learning to detect depression from speech

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools have achieved promising results on numerous tasks and could soon assist professionals in various settings. In recent years, computer scientists have been exploring the potential of these ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Look out for the early signs of autism

When children have autism, it's possible to recognize the symptoms as early as when they are 18 months old.

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