Psychology & Psychiatry

Botox treatment affects the perception of emotions 

Botulin injections in the facial muscles, which relax expression lines and make one's skin appear younger as a result of a mild paralysis, have another, not easily predictable effect: they undermine the ability to understand ...


Surgeons transform static 'Mona Lisa' smiles to joyous ones

By modifying a muscle transplant operation, Johns Hopkins surgeons report they are able to restore authentic facial expressions of joy—wide and even smiles—to selected patients with one-sided facial muscle paralysis due ...


New method of infant pain assessment

Recently, the accuracy of current methods of pain assessment in babies have been called into question. New research from London-area hospitals and the University of Oxford measures brain activity in infants to better understand ...


Moderate alcohol consumption increases attractiveness

Consuming alcohol (equivalent to about a glass of wine) can make the drinker appear more attractive than when sober, according to new research from the University of Bristol. However, the effect disappears when more is consumed.


Can cosmetic surgery tame its Wild West?

From US "Botox parties" to Asia's craze for eyelid jobs or Brazilian bum lifts, millions now reshape their bodies through cosmetic surgery each year.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers explain the link between language and emotions

A team of researchers headed by the Erfurt-based psychologist Prof. Ralf Rummer and the Cologne-based phoneticist Prof. Martine Grice has carried out some ground-breaking experiments to uncover the links between language ...

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