
Studies explore potential origins of addiction and treaments

Studies released today suggest promising new treatments for nicotine and heroin addiction, and further our understanding of pathological gambling and heroin abuse in those suffering chronic pain. This new knowledge, released ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

When gambling becomes an addiction

Gambling can be a harmless hobby or a serious addiction. While gambling addicts are at risk of losing everything, the uncontrollable urge to continue keeps them going, often leading to compulsion. A Baylor College of Medicine ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research links risky behaviors of gambling and sex

Late adolescence is a period when many youth become involved in high-risk behaviors with adverse consequences. Researchers at the Mailman School of Public Health with colleagues at Johns Hopkins University studied the degree ...


Addicted individuals less responsive to reward-anticipation

It may be difficult for addicted individuals to learn when they can expect a reward. This learning problem could perhaps explain why they are more prone to addiction and find it difficult to kick the habit. Researchers at ...

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