Psychology & Psychiatry

Green front gardens reduce physiological and psychological stress

There is growing evidence that being in natural spaces – whether while gardening or listening to bird song – has a positive effect on mental health. Being in nature is also linked to improved cognitive function, greater ...


Five ways to stay healthy while getting older

As you age, there are many things you can do to maintain your health. While eating well and staying active are some of the more obvious tips, others may not be so plain to see.


Mayo Clinic Minute: Health benefits of gardening

Practicing social distancing means more time spent at home. And many people use this time to start a garden in their backyard. There's a saying that you reap what you sow. And in the case of a vegetable garden, a rich harvest ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Connecting with urban nature in difficult times

Last spring, Julietta Sorensen Kass was busy planning a project that would see almost 3,000 visitors to the Halifax Public Gardens interacting with trees via text message.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gardening helps to grow positive body image

New research has found that allotment gardening promotes positive body image, which measures someone's appreciation of their own body and its functions, and an acceptance of bodily imperfections.

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