Overweight & Obesity

Ratio of appetite-regulating hormones marker of successful dieters

A pre-diet measurement of two hormones related to weight regulation can help predict which dieters will be more likely to maintain their weight loss and who will not, according to a new study. The results will be presented ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Ghrelin stimulates an appetite for drinking alcohol

Ghrelin is a hormone released by the stomach and it stimulates appetite and food intake. Alcohol is commonly viewed as a psychoactive substance that primarily affects brain function, but it is also a highly caloric food.

Medical research

Obesity: A new appetite-increasing mechanism discovered

Despite their efforts, many morbidly obese people continue to consume too much food (hyperphagia) compared to their reserves and their needs. And yet, the hunger hormone, called ghrelin, is most frequently found at a normal ...

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