Psychology & Psychiatry

Good intentions ease pain, add to pleasure: study

A nurse's tender loving care really does ease the pain of a medical procedure, and grandma's cookies really do taste better, if we perceive them to be made with love - suggests newly published research by a University of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Hacking memory to follow through with intentions

Whether it's paying the electric bill or taking the clothes out of the dryer, there are many daily tasks that we fully intend to complete and then promptly forget about. New research suggests that linking these tasks to distinctive ...


Six reasons why it's hard to lead a healthier life

We know we should do it, and we often want to, but… Why is it so hard to live a healthier life? Professor of Behavioral Interventions in Population Health Marieke Adriaanse explains.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Common household chemicals tied to preemie births

Even when women do their best to have a safe pregnancy, chemicals commonly found in the home could still raise their risk for premature delivery, a new study shows.

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