
A step forward for measuring health care quality

The government, doctors' groups, insurers and patient advocates say they're coming together on a common set of measurements for what constitutes quality health care.


Then & Now: Medicare and Medicaid turn 50

When President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law on July 30, 1965, roughly half of Americans 65 and older had no health insurance.


High costs plague some state-run health insurance markets

State-run health insurance markets that offer coverage under President Barack Obama's health law are struggling with high costs and disappointing enrollment. These challenges could lead more of them to turn over operations ...


Federal health insurance aid in doubt for nearly 8 million

Nearly 8 million people could lose up to $24 billion a year in health insurance subsidies in a Supreme Court case threatening President Barack Obama's law, according to a government report released Tuesday.


States on edge about the future of health insurance markets

Mixed signals from the Supreme Court have states on edge about the future of health insurance subsidies for millions of Americans. And a summer decision from the justices leaves little time for backup planning.


Both parties face risks as health care law court case nears

(AP)—Twenty-two out of 24. And 206 to 96.Those numbers tell much about the political impact of a Supreme Court case in which conservatives and Republicans hope to demolish a pillar of President Barack Obama's health care ...


Survey: Uninsured rate hit new low in 2014

(AP)—The share of Americans without health insurance dropped to its lowest level in seven years in 2014 as President Barack Obama's overhaul took full effect, according to an extensive survey released Tuesday.

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