Obstetrics & gynaecology

Argentina to offer IVF for same-sex, straight couples

Argentina on Wednesday approved in-vitro fertilization for same-sex and heterosexual couples in the national health care system, in theory ending problems many had with affording the procedures.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Where couples meet matters more than when

That dependable conversation starter – "Tell us where the two of you first met" – can yield a surprising range of stories.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Couples, pay attention to your relationship work ethic

Is a date with your partner as important to you as a meeting at work? A University of Illinois study recommends that couples develop a relationship work ethic that rivals—or at least equals—their professional work ethic.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds stress is higher for women in long-term relationships

The chronic stress that builds up over decades in a relationship affects each member of the couple differently; in heterosexual couples, the woman is more likely to display negative physiological markers than her spouse.

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