Oncology & Cancer

HLA expression tied to penile cancer outcomes

(HealthDay)—Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) expression appears to be tied to clinical outcomes in penile cancer, according to a study published in the April issue of The Journal of Urology.


Cancer: Lymphoma-linked risk factor identified

Follicular lymphoma is often caused by a translocation between chromosomes 14 and 18, resulting in the overexpression of a cancer-causing gene called BCL-2. A research team co-led by A*STAR scientists recently revealed another ...


Study details paired risk factors in preeclampsia

Although preeclampsia occurs in about 3 percent of pregnancies, it's still unforeseen in many cases. A report of new research, now in press at the Journal of Reproductive Immunology, documents how two distinct risk factors ...


Unraveling complex genetic interplay for MS risks

A WA-cohort of patients has been used to study the risk modifying role of specific genes suspected to contribute to one's predisposition to multiple sclerosis (MS).

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