Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Mental practice may improve golfers' putting performance

Researchers from Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software, hosted at University of Limerick (UL), are lending support to Arnold Palmer's famous assertion that golf is predominantly played in "the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Using visual imagery to find your true passions

You may think you know what you like—how to spend your time or what profession to pursue. But a new study suggests that your pre-existing self-beliefs, as well as cultural stereotypes, may interfere with your memories and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How virtual reality might help fight recurring nightmares

You might say that Patrick McNamara is in a frightening line of work. As a sleep researcher, he's hunting for new ways to treat people with nightmare disorder (also known as dream anxiety disorder). Being chased by a malevolent ...

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