Medical research

Healthy, stress-busting fat found hidden in dirt

Thirty years after scientists coined the term "hygiene hypothesis" to suggest that increased exposure to microorganisms could benefit health, CU Boulder researchers have identified an anti-inflammatory fat in a soil-dwelling ...

Inflammatory disorders

Natural metabolite can suppress inflammation

An international group of scientists from the U.S., Canada, Germany and Russia has revealed a naturally occurring organic compound that can suppress the pro-inflammatory activity of macrophages. The compound, itaconate, is ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Lupus pill shows promise in mice; clinical trial underway

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that attacks organs and can be fatal. There's no cure, so current treatments aim to limit damage and ameliorate symptoms. Some of these therapies have to be injected, some have serious side ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Autism in males linked to defect in brain immune cells, microglia

Many cases of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) may result from problems in immune cells that normally work to trim back unneeded brain connections in early life, suggests a new study led by scientists at Scripps Research.

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