
Are Kiwi men getting enough iodine?

Do Kiwi men who sweat a lot suffer from iodine deficiency? That is the question researchers from Massey University's School of Food and Nutrition want to answer as they kick off a new study investigating the iodine levels ...


Breastfeeding provides babies with iodine

Iodine is essential for the human body. This trace element is especially crucial for infants in order to ensure healthy development. Iodine deficiency can disrupt growth and damage the nervous system. In iodine-poor regions, ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Autism four times likelier when mother's thyroid is weakened

Pregnant women who don't make nearly enough thyroid hormone are nearly 4 times likelier to produce autistic children than healthy women, report scientists from the Houston Methodist Neurological Institute and Erasmus Medical ...

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