Medical research

Lymphatic cells grown in the lab for the first time

For over one hundred years, scientists have debated the question of the origins of the lymphatic system - a parallel system to the blood vessels that serves as a conduit for everything from immune cells to fat molecules to ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study: Statins may stem tumor growth

(Medical Xpress)—One of the world's top selling drugs potentially also acts against the growth of new lymphatic vessels, with potential implications for cancer therapy. This surprising finding was brought forward by Swiss ...


Boost your immune system with a healthy lifestyle

Your immune system is your defense against disease. Its many different parts need to work in balance and harmony to protect our bodies from harmful germs and viruses; in essence to attack and destroy any they find.

Oncology & Cancer

Outsmarting cancer cells: Scientists learn how they spread

Saint Louis University researchers have identified a novel mechanism to control the traffic of cells and fluid from tissues to lymphatic vessels. It may be possible to harness this mechanism to fight cancer spread from one ...

Medical research

The origin of the lymphatic vasculature uncovered

In a new study, published in Cell Reports, researchers at Uppsala University describe a novel mechanism by which lymphatic vessels form during embryonic development. The finding may open new possibilities for repairing damaged ...

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