Overweight & Obesity

Obesity in children: Breastfeeding is best, but...

Yes, while breastfeeding is the optimal first food for a baby, it's not as simple to say that it will protect all children from becoming obese. Recent studies show that factors such as whether a child's mother is obese, the ...

Overweight & Obesity

Poor diet links obese mothers and stunted children

Malnutrition is a major cause of stunted growth in children, but new UCL research on mothers and children in Egypt suggests that the problem is not just about quantity of food but also quality.

Autism spectrum disorders

Parental obesity and autism risk in the child

Several studies have looked at possible links between maternal obesity during pregnancy and the risk of developmental disorders in the child. However, paternal obesity could be a greater risk factor than maternal obesity, ...

Overweight & Obesity

Five regular meals a day reduce obesity risk among adolescents

A regular eating pattern may protect adolescents from obesity, according to a Finnish population-based study with more than 4,000 participants. When eating five meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks - a day, even ...

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