
Protein wars—why men love meat

Nov. 1 is World Vegan Day and apparently Canada is going meatless, unless you are a white older male, that is.


The rise of the conscious carnivore

The August long weekend approaches, and many Canadians will celebrate with picnics and barbecues. Meat often plays a central role when choosing the menu for gatherings among family and friends. But it seems eating meat is ...


Could coffee perk up your heart health?

(HealthDay)—Besides staying alert, coffee lovers who drink more than three cups of java a day may lower their risk for clogged arteries, a new Brazilian study suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Change behaviors by changing perception of normal

Whether it be for the environment, one's health or other important causes, convincing people to adopt new or uncommon behaviors can be difficult. One reason is that societal norms powerfully reinforce the status quo.

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