Medical economics

Expanding Medicaid in holdout states could insure 3.9 million

(HealthDay)—Expanding Medicaid to all states could reduce the number of uninsured by 28 percent based on pre-COVID-19 data, according to a report released by the Urban Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.


Obese adults facing Medicaid expansion gap

Despite overall increases in insurance coverage for low-income individuals in Medicaid expansion states, some gaps remain for individuals who are obese.

Radiology & Imaging

Medicaid expansion tied to higher mammography rates

(HealthDay)—Total insurance coverage, Medicaid coverage, and mammogram rates are higher among lower-income women living in Medicaid expansion states versus nonexpansion states, according to a study published online April ...

Medical economics

Unemployed workers less likely to be uninsured post-ACA

(HealthDay)—Following implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), unemployed workers were less likely to be uninsured, and uninsurance rates decreased more in states with Medicaid expansion, according to a report from ...

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