Inflammatory disorders

What is cellulitis? A dermatologist explains

Your skin usually deflects any bacteria it encounters, protecting you from all sorts of infections. However, when you get a bug bite or a rash, some of that bacteria can sneak in, potentially causing serious consequences.

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Cyberchondria' costs the UK health service £56m a year

Health anxiety, also known as hypochondria, cost the British healthcare system around £56 million a year, researchers said on Thursday, blaming the internet for a rise in "cyberchondria".


Are highly processed foods bad for children?

A new study found that children ages 3 to 5 who consumed more ultraprocessed foods had poorer locomotor skills than children who consumed less of these foods. It also showed lower cardiovascular fitness in 12- to 15-year-olds ...


New study links contraceptive pills and depression

In a global perspective, depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability. More than 264 million people are affected and at least 25 percent of all women and 15 percent of all men experience a depression that ...

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