
New spine robot to serve as backbone for orthopedic innovations

As personalized medicine continues to garner more importance in the field of health care, orthopedic surgeons use advances in imaging technology coupled with the latest robotics capabilities to improve the likelihood of achieving ...

Biomedical technology

Designing a soft robot to improve lung examinations

Seniors in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder are designing a new soft robot to improve physicians' ability to examine the deepest part of a patient's lung.


How Fortnite and Zelda can up your surgical game

Video games offer students obvious respite from the stresses of studies and, now, a study from a University of Ottawa medical student has found they could benefit surgical skills training.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Robot features faster and more comfortable COVID-19 swabbing

A group of clinicians from the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS), Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and Duke-NUS Medical School has partnered Biobot Surgical Pte Ltd, one of Singapore's pioneers in the field of medical ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Senegal engineering students fight virus with inventions

Senegalese engineering students are throwing themselves at the West African state's growing coronavirus problem with inventions such as automatic sanitiser dispensers and medical robots.

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