
Some blood thinners may increase heart attack risk

A new study has examined whether different blood thinning medications prescribed to prevent strokes in patients with atrial fibrillation might increase the risk of heart attacks.


Risk of autism associated with when and where forebears lived

When and where are often vital clues for epidemiologists, the medical detectives who help solve the underlying mysteries of disease. The technique dates back to at least 19th century London, where a physician named John Snow ...


Cannabis compound reduces seizures

About one third of patients treated for epilepsy continue to have seizures. Cannabidiol (CBD), one of the many active compounds in the cannabis (marijuana) plant, has gained attention as a treatment for epilepsy. Purified ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Spotting Parkinson's disease through AI

Tracking wearable sensors, filming the patients performing routine exercises, or examining their handwriting—which is better for Parkinson's detection? Researchers at Skoltech performed a comparative study of these three ...

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