Psychology & Psychiatry

Q&A: Post-traumatic growth—how to flourish after a PTSD diagnosis

No caring person would wish post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)—or the likely terrifying event that led to it—on anyone. But for those people who develop the mental health condition and find treatment, the skills and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Could low iron be making mental health symptoms worse?

Most people these days understand that mental health issues have their roots in physical differences in our brains, genes and bodies, and differences in our life experiences.

Psychology & Psychiatry

ER visits by teens in mental health crisis have declined: CDC

There's a glimmer of good news when it comes to the mental health of America's adolescents: Visits to U.S. emergency departments for psychiatric troubles declined among kids aged 12 to 17 by the fall of 2022, compared to ...

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