
Guidelines on the use of genetic testing in psychiatry

An expert committee of psychiatrists and geneticists has issued revised guidelines for the use of genetic testing in psychiatric care. The new guidelines, which represent the first complete revision since 2014, address several ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Regular problem solving does not protect against mental decline

The well known 'use it or lose it' claim has been widely accepted by healthcare professionals, but researchers in the Christmas issue of The BMJ find that regularly doing problem solving activities throughout your lifetime ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Seeing yourself as Einstein may change the way you think

The perception of having Albert Einstein's body may help unlock previously inaccessible mental resources, finds a new study. Following a virtual reality "Einstein" experience, participants were less likely to unconsciously ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

We all feel disgust but why do some of us turn it on ourselves?

Disgust is a universal emotion – we all get disgusted by things, just as we all experience other "basic" emotions, such as happiness and sadness. Disgust has many functions. It protects us from products that might cause ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Blood test may help determine who is at risk for psychosis

A study led by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researchers represents an important step forward in the accurate diagnosis of people who are experiencing the earliest stages of psychosis.

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