
Walking may cut stroke risk in older men

(HealthDay)—Older men may reduce their risk of stroke by taking a daily walk. And that walk doesn't have to be especially brisk, British researchers report.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Moderate exercise not only treats, but prevents depression

(Medical Xpress)—Physical activity is being increasingly recognized as an effective tool to treat depression. PhD candidate George Mammen's review published in the October issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine ...


Housework is not always a healthy exercise alternative

(Medical Xpress)—Housework may not be as healthy as people think – and those who include domestic chores as part of an activity regime tend to be heavier, according to research by the University of Ulster Sports Academy.

Oncology & Cancer

Study links moderate activity to lower breast cancer risk

A large new American Cancer Society study adds to increasing evidence that physical activity reduces the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Researchers say moderate recreational activity was associated with a ...

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