Health informatics

Anti-science, partisan tweets could flag an outbreak

In the realm of social media, anti-science views about COVID-19 align so closely with political ideology—especially among conservatives—that its predictability offers a strategy to help protect public health, a new USC ...


Continuous glucose monitors help manage type 2 diabetes

In patients with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes, the use of continuous glucose monitors is associated with better blood sugar control and fewer visits to the emergency room for hypoglycemia, a Kaiser Permanente study published ...

Biomedical technology

'Smart shirt' takes a trip to space for science

A technology-packed tank top offers a simple, effective way to track astronauts' vital signs and physiological changes during spaceflight, according to research being presented at the American Physiological Society annual ...

Inflammatory disorders

Sensor tracks cortisol levels in real time

Skoltech researchers have developed a prototype of a fluorescence-based sensor for continuous detection of cortisol concentrations in real time, which can help monitor various health conditions. The paper was published in ...


Attention and working memory: Two sides of the same neural coin?

In 1890, psychologist William James described attention as the spotlight we shine not only on the world around us, but also on the contents of our minds. Most cognitive scientists since then have drawn a sharp distinction ...

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