
Which stretches to do, avoid

Dear Mayo Clinic: I recently started jogging for exercise. I have been stretching before each run, but I've heard that some stretches increase your risk of injury. Which stretches should I do, and which should I avoid?


Diagnosing and treating compartment syndrome in athletes

Each of our arms and legs have compartments that contain muscles and nerves which are surrounded by tough walls of tissue called fascia. When we experience an injury or overuse muscles, these compartments can fill with fluid ...


Electrical stimulation improves paralyzed patients' function

Nearly 282,000 people in the U.S. live with paralysis following a spinal cord injury (SCI). A review of more than 90 studies found that electrical stimulation may help restore function in those paralyzed after SCI. The article ...


Take to the road on 2 wheels

(HealthDay)—Cycling is a fun fitness option at every age. It's easier on your joints than some other forms of cardio, yet it's just as efficient.

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