Psychology & Psychiatry

Making music tunes up wellbeing during lockdown

Spontaneous group music making is associated with a number of wellbeing benefits, even if the performers are not in the same room, a study shows.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Musicians have more connected brains than non-musicians

The brains of musicians have stronger structural and functional connections compared to those of non-musicians, regardless of innate pitch ability, according to new research from JNeurosci.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fans love musicians' personalities as much as their music

Why do you like the music you do? You would think that it is because of the music itself. But that's only half the story. Surprisingly, the other half of the story doesn't have much to do with music at all. A new Big Data ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Trained musicians perform better—at paying attention

Musical training produces lasting improvements to a cognitive mechanism that helps individuals be more attentive and less likely to be distracted by irrelevant stimuli while performing demanding tasks. According to a new ...

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