Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers find link between humor and body image

Women who use positive humor to describe themselves have higher levels of "body appreciation" than those who use self-deprecating humor, according to new research from the University of Surrey.


Instagram pressure rising

Flinders University body image experts are urging all Instagram users to apply a more conscious 'filter' to monitor their health and fitness posts.

Health informatics

Using convolutional neural networks to analyze medical imaging

COVID-19 remains a significant challenge the world over. Research in the International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design, discusses how X-ray images and CT (computerized tomography) scans can reveal much about ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Nature helps us cope with body image 'threats'

A new study has found that being in nature helps people deal with negative body image by removing some of the triggers of body image anxiety, such as the focus on social media, and strengthening coping mechanisms to keep ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Naked body image and self esteem

For people predisposed to take part in non-sexual nude activities body image, self-esteem, and life-satisfaction are improved by such participation. Now, research published in the International Journal of Happiness and Development ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Editing selfies is counter productive: study

Girls and young women shouldn't spend a lot of time editing selfies for social media because it negatively influences their thoughts about their looks, according to a new Flinders University publication.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Women deflated by #Fitspiration images

Researchers have found that the #Fitspiration philosophy is flawed, making many women feel worse about themselves and their bodies rather than inspiring them to exercise.

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