
Anesthesia changes neuronal choreography

Even under deep anesthesia, nerve cells remain highly active. A study conducted by researchers from Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin has shown by high-resolution cellular imaging that local neuronal networks remain ...


How the brain consolidates memories during sleep

Researchers in the group of Prof Dr Nikolai Axmacher at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have studied which brain processes consolidate memories during sleep. They found clear parallels to findings from experimental animal ...


Sounding out high blood pressure in diabetics

Blood pressure can significantly drop by applying 20 minutes of ultrasound to the forearm of type II diabetes patients with treatment-resistant hypertension, according to research from Japan's Tohoku University.


Closer view of the brain

For Harvard neurobiologist Jeff Lichtman, the question hasn't been whether scientists will ever understand the brain, but how closely they'll have to look before they do.

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