Obstetrics & gynaecology

Vitamins in pregnancy review

With the high rate of unplanned pregnancy in the UK and an increasingly obese pregnant population, vitamin supplementation is an important public health issue with potential significant impact on maternal and fetal morbidity ...


Folic acid may reduce some childhood cancers

Folic acid fortification of foods may reduce the incidence of the most common type of kidney cancer and a type of brain tumors in children, finds a new study by Kimberly J. Johnson, PhD, assistant professor at the Brown School ...


Scientists find neural stem cell regulator

Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine have found that lack of a specific gene interrupts neural tube closure, a condition that can cause death or paralysis.


Supplement use predicts folate status in Canadian women

Researchers have gained new insight into why 22% of Canadian women of childbearing age are still not achieving a folate concentration considered optimal for reducing the risk of having babies with neural tube defects, despite ...


Diet may treat some gene mutations

Scientists have moved a step closer to correcting some unhealthy gene mutations with diet, according to a new research report appearing in the April 2012 issue of the journal Genetics. Researchers from the University of California, ...

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