Alzheimer's disease & dementia

How an Alzheimer's-related protein forms plaques

Neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease are characterised by aggregates of protein in the brain. The connection of these aggregates to the disease itself is unclear. Martina Huber, Enrico Zurlo and colleagues published ...


New treatment for 'arthritis of the spine' prevents paralysis

In a world-first, decompression surgery has been shown to be an effective procedure to treat cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) – a common progressive, degenerative disease of the spine that can lead to paralysis – ...

Medical research

There's life after radiation for brain cells

Scientists have long believed that healthy brain cells, once damaged by radiation designed to kill brain tumors, cannot regenerate. But new Johns Hopkins research in mice suggests that neural stem cells, the body's source ...


Artery-clearing surgery after stroke should be delayed

Treating stroke is a race against time. To prevent brain damage and save lives, physicians have to diagnose and treat strokes as quickly as possible. Now, a new study suggests doctors can reduce risks by delaying a commonly ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Cases of whooping cough in US highest in decades

Pertussis is at its highest level nationally in a half-century. But cases of pertussis, also known as whooping cough, often decline in late fall into early winter.

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