
Swiss pharma giant Novartis recalls drugs in US

Swiss pharmaceutical firm Novartis said Sunday it was recalling four different products sold over the counter in the United States over reports of a malfunction at one of its plants.

Oncology & Cancer

Study: Bone drug boosts breast cancer survival

(AP) -- Doctors were mostly hoping to prevent complications and relapses when they gave young women a medicine to keep their bones strong during breast cancer treatment. Seven years later, they found it did more than that: ...

Oncology & Cancer

Big promise is seen in 2 new breast cancer drugs

(AP) -- Breast cancer experts are cheering what could be some of the biggest advances in more than a decade: two new medicines that significantly delay the time until women with very advanced cases get worse.


Novartis announces 2,000 job losses, profits up

Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis announced 2,000 job losses Tuesday, mostly in Switzerland and the United States, while reporting net profits of $3.53 billion (2.5 billion euros) for the third quarter.


Novartis fights patent rejection in Indian court

(AP) -- In a case that could affect India's role as drug provider to the developing world, the Supreme Court began hearing arguments Tuesday over whether the government had the right to deny a patent to Swiss drugmaker Novartis ...


New development could increase flu vaccine supply

(Medical Xpress) -- Scientists from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the pharmaceutical company Novartis announced today in the journal Science Translational Medicine that they have developed a new adjuvant, or compound ...

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