Obstetrics & gynaecology

UK holds first trial over female genital mutilation

A London doctor went on trial on Monday for carrying out female genital mutilation in only the first such case to be prosecuted in Britain despite pressure from campaigners.


UK court finds drinking while pregnant is not a crime

A British court on Thursday ruled that heavy drinking during pregnancy should not be considered a "crime of violence" against the child in a case that had raised concerns about criminalising mothers.


Europe tightens curbs on organ trafficking

The Council of Europe adopted on Wednesday a new international convention to make organ trafficking a criminal offence, giving the police greater scope to hunt mafia groups involved in the trade across borders.


British medics could face jail for patient neglect

British doctors and nurses who neglect their patients could be jailed under government proposals announced Saturday, in the wake of a scandal at a hospital where hundreds died after receiving appalling care.

Psychology & Psychiatry

More Facebook friends means more stress, says report

A large number of friends on Facebook may appear impressive but, according to a new report, the more social circles a person is linked to online the more likely social media will be a source of stress.

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