
How fear can develop out of others' traumas

What happens in the brain when we see other people experiencing a trauma or being subjected to pain? Well, the same regions that are involved when we feel pain ourselves are also activated when we observe other people who ...


Exposure to narrow band of green light improves migraine symptoms

Light sensitivity, or photophobia, is a frequent symptom of migraine headaches, which affect nearly 15 percent of the world's population. A new study, led by researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and ...


Chronic abdominal pain often linked to psychological dysfunctions

Gastrointestinal disorders are often linked to psychological dysfunctions and can be explained by a malfunction of the communication between bowels and brain, as has been shown by a research project funded by the Austrian ...


Altered pain processing in patients with cognitive impairment

People with dementia and other forms of cognitive impairment (CI) have altered responses to pain, with many conditions associated with increased pain sensitivity, concludes a research review in Pain, the official publication ...

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