
Mother's depression tied to later delinquency in kids

(HealthDay)—Teens are more likely to smoke, drink and use marijuana—and to do so at an earlier age—if their mothers were depressed when the kids were in grade school, a new study says.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Parents see sibling fighting as normal

(Medical Xpress)—Three out of four Australian parents are concerned about their children fighting yet claim their kids get along well, a University of Queensland study has found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researcher finds abusive parenting may have a biological basis

(Medical Xpress)—Parents who physically abuse their children appear to have a physiological response that subsequently triggers more harsh parenting when they attempt parenting in warm, positive ways, according to new research.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why parenting can never have a rule book

Any parent will tell you that there is no simple recipe for raising a child. Being a parent means getting hefty doses of advice – often unsolicited – from others. But such advice often fails to consider a critical factor: ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Personality test a tool for schools

A study of personality in children will inform the development of an Australian-first assessment that helps parents and teachers to better understand a child's personality type.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How family conflict affects children

(Medical Xpress)—New research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) reveals why some children are badly affected by negative family conflicts while other children survive without significant problems.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Poor parenting—including overprotection—increases bullying risk

Children who are exposed to negative parenting – including abuse, neglect but also overprotection – are more likely to experience childhood bullying by their peers, according to a meta-analysis of 70 studies of more than ...

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